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Your Body Isn't the Problem- Your Head is.

& Ain’t that the truth! My body is not the problem- my negative self talk is. We’re constantly bombarded with body shaming messages and unrealistic beauty standards from society and the media... and unfortunately I have fallen for them. Rationally, I realize that there is no such thing as perfect. I realize that I am good enough just as I am. However, I have yet to find a way to let this rational thinking outweigh the irrational thoughts. Whenever the irrational thoughts come about, I constantly try to make a conscious effort to pause and let myself acknowledge them, but not let them control my mood or my feelings of self worth. Or as my therapist put it, “to not let them drive the bus, rather just have a seat in the back.” It’s a constant battle but I will not stop trying, because if one day I can attain true self love and accept myself for all that I am, that is 110% worth it to me. It won’t be easy, but I’m trying. And, as always, progress- not perfection.


Photo is from Pinterest, not my own.


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